What Have I Done What Have I Continued to Do

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Straight-to-the-Point Interview Questions

To help you prepare for your next job interview, here are 17 direct and to the point interview questions.

Direct was written by and updated on February 13th, 2019. Learn more here.

Question 5 of 17

What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?

  • How to Answer

  • 1st Answer Example

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How to Answer

The interviewer wants to know that you are interested in your industry, and career growth, enough to take your professional development into your own hands. Even if your current employer does not offer perks like industry conferences or tuition reimbursement, there is no reason why you cannot take the initiative.

You could:

- Read industry or career-related books
- Subscribe to relevant podcasts
- Enhance your education with an additional certificate
- Attend a conference related to your career or personal growth
- Teach yourself a new software program
- Read established journals and websites on a regular basis
- Find a mentor who is senior to you, in your particular industry or career path

Advice and Examples: What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?

  • 5.

    What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?

      How to Answer

      The interviewer wants to know that you are interested in your industry, and career growth, enough to take your professional development into your own hands. Even if your current employer does not offer perks like industry conferences or tuition reimbursement, there is no reason why you cannot take the initiative.

      You could:

      - Read industry or career-related books
      - Subscribe to relevant podcasts
      - Enhance your education with an additional certificate
      - Attend a conference related to your career or personal growth
      - Teach yourself a new software program
      - Read established journals and websites on a regular basis
      - Find a mentor who is senior to you, in your particular industry or career path

      1st Answer Example

      "This year, I committed to improving my knowledge by reading one book per month. I mapped out my twelve books ahead of time, including topics on my career, the industry, personal development, politics, history, and leadership. I would be happy to share the list with you if you'd like!"


      "It is important to me that I continue to grow as a professional administrator. This year I took an Advanced Excel course so that I could take my competency from intermediate to expert. The course has helped me immensely, and I am currently looking into an advanced PowerPoint class."


      "I subscribe to a variety of management related podcasts, which I listen to every morning on my commute to work. The list of podcasts that I listen to include Gary Vaynerchuk's 'Ask Gary Vee' Show, 'What Great Bosses Know,' with Jill Geisler, and 'Dose of Leadership' with Richard Rierson. The lessons I have learned from these industry pros are invaluable, and I love that I can commit my driving time to developing myself professionally and personally."


      "My current agency does not have a budget for a lot of additional training, coursework, or professional development. For that reason, much of my added learning opportunities are self-led. This year I decided to teach myself more about PhotoShop, with the goal of becoming so good that I could upload my own YouTube videos one day. I would say that I am 3/4 of the way there. It's taken great dedication and patience; however, this is a skill that I am very excited to add to my professional repertoire."


      "The retail industry is always changing, and it's vital that I continue to gain knowledge, to keep up with the latest and greatest! I refer on a daily basis to a variety of retail-related journals and publications such as National Retail Federation's news releases, the Retail Wire forum, and the Retail Minded website."


      "There are many conferences available to professionals in software sales. Luckily my employer will pay for me to attend two per year but I have to make the case as to why they are relevant. This year I attended DreamForce, and in a few months, I will be attending Topo Sales Summit. I have met some great industry connections at these events and always come back feeling refreshed with new ideas to implement."


      "To improve myself professionally this year, I took on a mentor. I have heard many times that having a mentor relationship is incredibly beneficial and now that I have taken this step, I could not agree more. My mentor is a professor who I greatly admired when I was in University. We meet for coffee once per month, and she gives me tips on becoming a better educator, and comes up with unique challenges for me to stretch myself professionally."

      Community Answer

      "I've taken a boot camp course in UI design to sharpen my visual design skills. It was an intensive three-month online course. I've read several books on visual design, and I'm always reading articles, blogs, attending meetups related to my field."

      Written by an Anonymous User

      Rachelle Enns

      Our Professional Interview Coach
      Rachelle Enns Reviewed the Above Answer

  • spellmanwime1996.blogspot.com

    Source: https://www.mockquestions.com/interview/Direct/What-have-you-done-to-improve-your-knowledge-in-the-last-yea-9587.html

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